I regularly go to the movies with a group of friends, who alas, number among them those that tend to jump and squeal during tense and "scary" moments. So, it was with a more stoic friend alone that I went along to see Shutter Island!
Let me start by saying that I'm not a big Leonardo Di Caprio fan, nor do I worship the ground upon which Martin Scorcese walks. And I hadn't read the book! I also love thrillers and horrors and big suspenseful cinematic moments. So, it was always going to take a lot for Shutter Island to impress me.
I suppose I will concede that the "Well, that was lame," I muttered as the credits began to roll, was a little harsh. The movie wasn't bad. It had all of the right ingredients of a great movie, but for me, something was missing.
I did enjoy the "feel" of the film, as if it might have been made around the time it was set. And there is no denying the film is psychological. It was wasn't as thrilling as I like my thrillers to be! If you're not as picky as me, you may love it. If I were inclined towards star ratings, I'd probably give it 4 out of 5, anyway. It did try hard! It just could have been... better.
Dennis Lehane, who wrote the book that was adapted for the screen, also wrote Mystic River. I enjoyed that film much more, it's gripping and chilling in a way that Shutter Island was not. I do think I'll give Shutter Island novel a read to see if lack was in the movie or the inspiration.
And, in the interest of fairness, I am willing to accept the possibility that I was just grouchy that day - it was the afternoon after I'd sprained my ankle. As much as I love the space between the rows of seats at Hoyts Wairau, it's a quite literal pain when all you want is to be able to put my foot up on the back of the seat in front of you!
Shutter Island is rated R16 (containing violence, offensive language & content that may disturb - though apparently not enough for me), and showing all over the place. Find more information about the movie, including trailers and other (more glowing) reviews, at Flicks.
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